MLL Uusimaa for Families
Every child is worth a good and happy childhood. MLL offers versatile support for families and meaningful volunteer work for people of all ages. MLL Uudenmaan piiri is an independant organisation under Mannerheim League for the Children Welfare (MLL).
Most of our support, volunteer work and activities info is found in Finnish, here in short in English. Please contact us to ask for more info in different languages, if needed.
For families - Briefly in English

MLL Perhetalo is an Open Meeting Place for all families with daily support, activities and groups. Located at Vantaa (Koivukylä and Hakunila), Helsinki (Pukinmäki) and Kerava, open Mon-Fri.

Finnish speaking friends Mum - would you like a Finnish speaking women or another mother as a friend? To learn Finnish and learn more about your new home and community.

MLL Family Cafés are places to meet other parents and for kids to play together. MLL Uusimaa has it's own Family Cafés and also cafés held by volunteers in local MLL oragnisations. You are welcome!

Perhehaavi is MLL Perhetalo without walls. Perhehaavi groups and activities are open to all families - especially to multicultural and -lingual parents and children in need of support.